Chorosynthesis operates on the highest planes of professionalism and their ambitious projects are worthy of encouragement and support. They may very well have set a new standard for choral traditions in the U.S.
— Thomas Schuttenhelm

CHorosynthesis Singers ROSTER


Sophie Amelkin

Jessica Bush

Megan Gardner

Meaghan Guterman

Crossley Hawn

Wendy Moy

Souaad Nuñez

Hannah Penzner

Meredith Pyle

Melanie Walker

Anne Walsh

Diane Walters

Brenna Wells


Alyssa Anderson

Marjorie Bunday

Jamie Caporizo

Erica Convery

Milena Gligic

Katie Hickey

Halley Kim

Vasken Ohanian

Lauren Vanderlinden


Adam Faruqi

Will Gardner

Michael Jones

Anthony Ray

Christopher Roney

Matthew Shorten

Nate Widelitz


Steven Berlanga

Elijah Blaisdell

Luc Kleiner

Brian Mummert

Jeremiah Selvey

Korland Simmons

Jared Swope

Sean Taylor

Joshua Vander Plaats